Model Reference Image

Wait for the next update to the OSD Module before trying this out as these functions have not been released yet

OSDCloud provides an absolutely perfect method for creating a Reference Image that supports specific Computer Models, including all the necessary Hardware Drivers. Additionally, you don't need to create the image on any Hardware, just a Virtual Machine. Think of this as a Virtual to Physical image

Virtual Machine Configuration

Create a Hyper-V Virtual Machine with the following configuration

  • Generation 2 UEFI

  • 2+ Processors

  • Fixed (not Dynamic) memory

  • 30GB+ Fixed Size (not Dynamically Expanding)

  • Disable Snapshots

  • Boot to ISO

Disk Partitioning

Its important that you understand what is required for your Disk Partitions when creating a Reference FFU. OSDCloud currently configures the Recovery Partition at the end of the disk, but I will be adding Parameters for you to control this


OSDCloud supports specifying a specific Manufacturer and Product (SystemSKU, BaseBoard Product). In this example, I an selecting one for my Lenovo T14

If you need to look up a Product value, you can use Get-MyDriverPack

PS C:\> Get-MyDriverPack | FL

Name          : Precision 7730
Product       : 0832
DriverPackUrl :
FileName      : 7730-win10-A12-6WD5G.CAB

Any of these functions will work as well


Additional Computer Models

You can easily add additional Dell or HP Driver Packs by using the Save-MyDriverPack function, or by doing this in Audit Mode. Adding additional Lenovo Products must be done in Audit Mode due to the way the Driver extracts


Once the WinPE phase has completed, the Driver Packs will be expanded and added to the DriverStore using PnPUnattend.exe

Audit Mode or OOBE

Ideally you should boot into Audit Mode to complete the configuration of the system. You can do this by executing Use-WindowsUnattend.audit from WinPE. I'll work on adding this as a Post Action in OSDCloud in the future

When you have completed your customizations in Audit Mode or in OOBE, execute sysprep /generalize /shutdown

Create an FFU

Make sure you change your Boot Order in Hyper-V Virtual Machine settings as this will have changed to File. Boot to OSDCloud.winpe and either Map a Network Drive or insert a USB Drive, then capture an FFU image. You can easily do this with Backup-Disk.ffu

Apply an FFU

Unfortunately I don't have a function to do this (yet), but it should be easy enough to figure out from the following example

DISM /apply-ffu /ImageFile=N:\WinOEM.ffu /ApplyDrive:\\.\PhysicalDrive0


Last updated