Release Notes

21.11+ November Update

New Pages

Firmware Update

Updated Pages

Quick SetupOSDCloud TemplateConfiguration FilesOSDCloud WorkspaceOSDCloud ISO

21.10.20 October Update

This update for OSDCloud is all about Drivers.

  • Invoke-ParseDate bug may have been resolved

  • Edit-OSDCloud.winpe

    • CloudDriver Dell updated from A24 to A25

    • CloudDriver Dell no longer imports 32-Bit Drivers

    • CloudDriver HP updated from sp110326.exe to sp112810.exe

    • CloudDriver WiFi (Intel) updated from 22.50.1 to 22.80.1

  • Start-OSDCloudGUI

    • Apply Manufacturer Drivers

      • Checked by Default (True)

    • Apply Microsoft Catalog Drivers

      • Checked by Default (True)

      • By default, if Manufacturer Drivers are found and downloaded, Microsoft Catalog Drivers defaults to updating Network Drivers only

    • Apply Microsoft Catalog Firmware

      • Checked by Default (True)

Parameters to control Driver functionality is not being added in Start-OSDCloud (Command Line) at this time to allow for proper feedback from the Start-OSDCloudGUI changes. As an override to directly control this behavior in Invoke-OSDCloud, use the following Global Variable in the same PowerShell session

$Global:MyOSDCloud = @{
	ApplyManufacturerDrivers = $false
	ApplyCatalogDrivers = $false
	ApplyCatalogFirmware = $false

21.8.10 August Update

There typically aren't any Release Notes for OSDCloud as they are bundled in with the OSD Module, but this release has quite a few changes, so it's important to get through them

OSDCloud Config Files

Autopilot Profiles are being relocated. Review the following link

Configuration Files

In previous releases, the Autopilot Profiles were located in the following location


While this made sense in the beginning, the addition of other configuration for AutopilotOOBE and OOBEDeploy makes it necessary to bundle files used for configuration into a proper parent directory

The next time you update your OSDCloud Template you will receive a Warning (and a short delay). This Warning will continue (and the delay will increase in the future) until you remove C:\ProgramData\OSDCloud\Autopilot manually

Template and Workspace Issues

You will be unable to create or update an OSDCloud Workspace until the Autopilot Profiles are moved in both your OSDCloud Template and your working OSDCloud Workspace

This change will impact the following commands


ODT Changes

I plan on phasing out the Office 365 installation during the Specialize phase in the next few weeks. Pleae contact me if you use this and I'll help you come up with a workaround. There are no changes ODT in this release


I strongly recommend rebuilding your WinPE by rebuilding your OSDCloud Template and OSDCloud Workspace to ensure full compatibility with the new changes in WinPE


In addition to the CloudDriver and DriverPath parameters, you now have the option to use the DriverHWID parameter to ensure that a driver for a specific Hardware ID is installed. All three Driver parameters are arrays, so you can add multiple options for each parameter

$Params = @{
    CloudDriver = 'Dell','WiFi'
    DriverHWID = 'PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2526','PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_15BB'
    DriverPath = 'D:\OSDCloud\Drivers\Chipset','D:\OSDCloud\Drivers\SATA'

When using DriveHWID, the driver will be downloaded from Microsoft Update Catalog and added to WinPE. This feature has been present in the OSD Module for the last month, but has not been fully documented yet


There are several changes to the WinPE startup, so I hope you can keep up


This parameter will add Start-OSDCloudGUI to the Startnet.cmd

Edit-OSDCloud.winpe -StartOSDCloudGUI

Start-OSDCloudGUI will automatically minimize the Startnet.cmd window


If you prefer to stick to the Command Line, then use the StartOSDCloud parameter. Unlike the Switch parameter of StartOSDCloudGUI, this is a String, meaning you need to provide your Start-OSDCloud switches for it to work properly

Edit-OSDCloud.winpe -StartOSDCloud '-OSBuild 1909 -OSEdition Pro -OSLanguage es-es -OSLicense Retail'


This parameter will allow you to use OSDPad to deploy using scripts on GitHub. I'd with I could say more now, but this is still being developed


This parameter is simply a rename of WebPSScript, although its important to understand the position. This will add an entry to the Startnet.cmd after StartUpdate and before any StartOSDCloud or StartOSDCloudGUI lines. This will allow you to completely any pre-flight, although since this is in a separate PowerShell session, Variables cannot be carried outside of the WebPSScript. Be aware this doesn't work well with URL's with spaces (working on it)


Finally, the Startnet parameter will add whatever you want to the Startnet.cmd file so if you want to tinker and play around, this is for you.

$Startnet = @'
start /wait PowerShell -NoL -C Install-Module OSD -Force -Verbose
start PowerShell -NoL -C Start-OSDCloudGUI

Edit-OSDCloud.winpe -Startnet $Startnet

More information on these changes are included in the following link

Last updated