
OSD Updated May 21, 2023

After WinPE startup is complete, enter Start-OSDCloudGUI at the PowerShell prompt

You will briefly see the OSDCloudGUI Configuration and the TPM/Autopilot status before this PowerShell window is minimized

Operating System

You can select an Operating System from the combobox. The default Operating System will always be the latest, which is currently Windows 11 22H2 x64

Currently, there are 760 Operating System combinations (OS, Language, Activation) that are available which you can review using the Get-OSDCloudOperatingSystems function


The Windows Edition is set to Enterprise by default


The Windows Language is set to en-us by default

Activation (License)

The Windows Activation is set to Volume by default due to the default Windows Edition being set to Enterprise


Depending on the Computer Model and Operating System, a Driver Pack will automatically be selected for you. In the case of a Virtual Machine or an unknown Computer Model, Microsoft Update Catalog will be selected. You can also select None for a DriverPack if you would prefer to go a different route

Deployment Options

By default, you will need to confirm the Clear-Disk operation during a deployment. You can unselect this requirement from the Deployment Options menu. After the deployment is complete, the computer will automatically restart. This can be disabled from this menu

capture Screenshots isn't working at this time

Microsoft Update Catalog

Disk, Network, and SCSI Adapter drivers will be downloaded from Microsoft Update Catalog by default. Optionally, you can download Firmware updates for your device


When you are ready to deploy, press the Start button. You should get prompted to confirm the Clear-Disk step

The Operating System ESD will be downloaded from Microsoft

Once the ESD has been downloaded, it is expanded to C:\

The DriverPack will be expanded in WinPE, or staged for first boot. PowerShell Modules that are required for Autopilot will be updated in the offline Operating System

Finally, the computer should reboot to OOBE. At this point, OSDCloud is complete

Last updated