OOBE Usage

OSD Updated May 21, 2023

OSDCloud Sandbox is configured to get all your Autopilot requirements in OOBE (Out-of-Box Experience). This process works in both Windows 10 and Windows 11

Network Requirements

You will need an internet connection before getting started. If you need to connect to a Wireless Network, open Windows Settings by pressingShift + F10 to open a Command Prompt. Type in the following command line and press enter


Command Prompt

Press Shift + F10 to open a Command Prompt. Type in the following command line and press enter to start OSDCloud Sandbox

Command Prompt
powershell iex(irm sandbox.osdcloud.com)

Windows Settings

You will be prompted to verify some Windows Settings during this process. OSDCloud Sandbox will continue after closing the open Windows Setting

You can navigate in Windows Settings to access other things like Networking and Wireless

Display Settings

This is the first Windows Setting that will open. This comes in handy when you want to expand the screen of a Virtual Machine for screenshots. OSDCloud Sandbox will continue when you close Display Settings

Language and Region

This Windows Setting will allow you to add additional Languages or a Keyboard Layout if necessary

Date and Time

This is probably the most important Windows Setting as this allows you to set the Time Zone for your location and to sync the clock. It is essential if you want to ensure that Autopilot registers and that certificates work properly

Autopilot Ready

All the required PowerShell Modules and Scripts needed for Autopilot Registration are installed and ready to go


To register the device in Windows Autopilot, use the following steps (with your own parameters)

Command Prompt
start PowerShell
Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo -Online -GroupTag <YourGroupTag>

Autopilot Registered

If the device is already Autopilot Registered (or has an AutopilotConfigurationFile.json), then OSDCloud Sandbox will display your Autopilot Configuration automatically. This is good for validation

Last updated