Azure Setup


Before taking a Deep Dive at imaging from Azure, it's only fair to discuss some considerations

#1: This is New

It's so new that there isn't anything I can copy from, so I'm going to share as much information as possible so the Community can make some decisions going forward. I'm just making this up as I go

#2: I'm no Expert

See #1

#3: Change is Likely

At this point, nothing is set in stone, so things will likely change, and you will need to adapt and get over it. If you prefer things being more stable, come back in a few months

#4: Feedback

I'm not a mind reader. Hit me up on Twitter and let's get a Community Pulse

#5: Goal

To deploy a Windows Image from Azure (Storage). For now, this is a WIM file. Nothing else at this time

#6: Differences

What works for me may not work for you

#7: Custom Development

Unless I'm on your Payroll, not likely. See #4

#8: Training

I'll gladly help you with OSDCloud, but if you have specific Azure questions, consult Microsoft Docs. I'll link where applicable

#9: Costs

Azure is not free, and Storage has costs, but it's cheap. It should cost about $.50 per deployment. Do the math to determine if this is a good fit for you

Last updated